Charter School Community Roundtable

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Bilingual  [2]  Omar's Template  [2]  safe schools  [2]  CCMR  [2]  stipend  [2]  financial ratings  [2]  evaluation  [2]  HB3  [2]  Public Hearings  [2]  Remote Instruction  [2]  Loan Forgiveness  [2]  EMAT  [2]  TRS Activecare  [2]  health insurance  [2]  PTO  [2]  Crisis Codes  [2]  ADA  [2]  board meeting  [2]  LEP  [2]  annual reporting  [2]  OCR  [2]  Estimate of State Aid  [2]  CRDC  [2]  Dropouts  [2]  grant funds  [2]  snapshot  [2]  #SPPI  [2]  Board Member  [2]  education programs  [2]  Master Schedule  [2]  Prekindergarten  [2]  Hold Harmless  [2]  Survey  [2]  Pre-k  [2]  ECDS  [2]  State Aid  [2]  STAAR  [1]  Teleworking  [1]  federally funded staff  [1]  sick employees  [1]  instructional minutes  [1]  Attendance manual  [1]  requirements  [1]  Expanded Learning Opportu  [1]  Salary Posting  [1]  Consent  [1]  confidentiality  [1]  personnel folders  [1]  Breaks  [1]  salary scale  [1]  Depository Contract  [1]  Bidding  [1]  Food Program  [1]  Revenue Coding  [1]  Object Codes  [1]  Raffles  [1]  Tutoring  [1]  hygiene products  [1]  Textbooks  [1]  #MTSS  [1]  referral  [1]  board  [1]  Missed School Day Waiver  [1]  House Bill 3  [1]  Federal Contributions Ra  [1]  Federal TRS Care Rate  [1]  FAQ  [1]  Contracts  [1]  speech therapy  [1]  out-clause  [1]  timeline  [1]  hourly staff  [1]  unemployment  [1]  waiver  [1]  PPE  [1]  masks  [1]  workers compensation  [1]  ESSER grant  [1]  records retention  [1]  public information reque  [1]  return to work  [1]  Negative COVID  [1]  New  [1]  Underreported  [1]  IEP  [1]  Truancy  [1]  EBT  [1]  EDGAR  [1]  Purchasing  [1]  Procurement  [1]  PPP  [1]  ADA Projection  [1]  TDA  [1]  P-EBT  [1]  Funding Opportunity  [1]  Face Covering  [1]  Pay Calculations  [1]  draw down  [1]  instruction  [1]  HB 1468  [1] 
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Rules of the Roundtable

Should any member be found to be intentionally sharing false information, harassing other members or in general contributing to an unwelcoming environment, he or she may be removed as a roundtable participant at the discretion of Charter School Success.

  1. We should always respect each other.
  2. We should strive to be as respectful, courteous and as factual with our information as possible.   
  3. Comments and information posted in the Roundtable are not legal advice, you should only seek legal advice from an attorney.   
  4. This information may be subject to open records requirements. 
  5. No promotions or solicitations of any kind are allowed on this site by users.    
  6. Charter School Success reserves the right to exclude and remove any information on this site.   No member should have any expectation of privacy, this is an open site.    
  7. The comments and views expressed here are not those of Charter School Success.