Mid-Year PEIMS Submission
Mid-Year PEIMS Submission
The Mid-Year PEIMS submission is due to TEA January 28, 2021. This collection consists solely of financial data from your charter’s prior fiscal year, FY ending June 30 or August 31. Reviewed in comparison with the Annual Financial Report, (AFR), the data collected is used by TEA for compliance monitoring. In fact, indicator number 17 of the annual Charter FIRST measures the variance of total expenses reported in the AFR and the data from this submission.
The Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) encompasses all data requested and received by TEA about public education, including student demographic and academic performance, personnel, financial, and organizational information. This data is collected four times per year in varying stages through the TEA secure site (TEAL) within the Texas Student Data Portal (TSDS).
When is it due?
On January 28, the second annual collection of data from charter schools, known as the PEIMS mid-year submission, is due to TEA. Start your submission now if you have not done so already to ensure that plenty of time is available for review and any necessary corrections to your data before the submission is finalized. For those who may need it, TEA has extended a due date of February 11th for resubmission of this data.
What kind of information am I reporting?
This collection consists of solely the reporting of actual (not budgeted) financial data from your charter’s prior fiscal year, which ended either June 30 or August 31.
What is important about this submission?
The data collected through mid-year PEIMS is reviewed by TEA for compliance monitoring. As the mid-year submission reflects final audited numbers, several Charter FIRST indicators are affected by what is reported. Quite a few indicators are weighted at 5 and 10 points, while other indicators are ceiling indicators. Indicators 1-5 are still critical indicators and are required to pass in order for your charter to pass Charter FIRST.
How can I ensure that what I am reporting is accurate?
Match the numbers from your SIS-specific reports, TSDS, and AFR together. When differences in this comparison are identified through your review, find out why the discrepancy exists and correct them. In regard to the comparison of the AFR and what is reported in the mid-year PEIMS submission, Indicator 17 of Charter FIRST reads:
“Did the comparison of Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) data to like information in the charter school’s AFR result in a total variance of less than 3 percent of all expenses by function?
A / B < C, where A = Sum of the absolute values of all differences in expenses (determined by function) between the Statement of Activities and PEIMS; B = Sum of expenses for all expenses presented in the Statement of Activities; C = Threshold for percentage of data variance, which = 3%”
To ensure compliance with Indicator 17, use the Statement of Activities & the Budgetary Comparison Schedule from the audit and match the total expense from each individual function with the TSDS report PDM2-100-001. The absolute value of any variances for each function should be added up, and then that total divided by the total expense for all functions should stay within 3%. If there is any variance greater than 3%, the charter will fail this Charter FIRST indicator and obtain 0 points.
Another useful TSDS report to check is PDM-100-008, which ties to compliance with Indicator 14 of Charter FIRST. This report offers the numbers needed to calculate your charter’s Administrative Cost Ratio. Verify each function total used to calculate the ratio and ensure that it agrees with TSDS report PDM2-100-001.
Using the TSDS report PDM2-100-002, Actual Financial Summary by Object, you can compare the following AFR schedules:
- Schedule of Expenses (expenses by function and object level)
- Statement of Activities (revenue by object level)
- Budgetary Comparison Schedule (revenue by object level)
What if things aren’t matching up?
Common reasons that the AFR may not match what is reflected on TSDS reports in your initial review could be:
- Audit adjustments still need to be entered into your SIS, or
- The data extract prior to creating interchange files included incorrect parameters, or
- Interchange files were created prior to SIS adjustments and never updated.
Bottom line: Until you are certain that the data from the finalized, submitted audit match what is going to be reported through TSDS, do not finalize and send your PEIMS submission to TEA. This is critical to your charter’s financial compliance obligations!
How do I complete this submission?
The TSDS PEIMS submission process is no easy task! It is comprised of several, interconnected steps. The following steps provide an overview and loose guideline for completing the mid-year submission.
- Create Interchange files from SIS
- Log into TEAL
- Enter TSDS portal
- Select “Manage Data Loads”
- Choose “Interchange Upload”
- Choose the appropriate collection (2021 MDYR1) from the dropdown
- Upload interchange files by browsing and selecting the saved files from step 1, then click upload
- These must be uploaded in the same order SIS created them, or zip them all into one file.
- The viewing screen automatically changes to file manager once your file(s) have been uploaded
- Use “Refresh” to track progress
- Once a green check mark is shown for all files, you may proceed
- *File must be recreated and start from beginning if any file has a red X
- Choose the processed files and click “Add to Batch”
- The viewing screen automatically changes to “View Batch” option. Click “View Batch”
- Adding comment is optional here. Notes are to assist the user for tracking/identification purposes
- Select “Process Batch” and “Refresh” to update progress
- *File should be recreated and start from beginning if any file has a red X
- Once status is complete, exit the eDM tab at top right
- Select PEIMS tab to begin the promotion process
- Select “Promote Loaded Data”
- Choose the 2020-21 school year and MDYR First collection at the top right and click “Go”
- Select all LEA data and all categories
- It is optional to name the promotion for your own tracking purposes
- Select “Next,” verify the category list, and “Submit”
- The viewing screen automatically changes to the status monitoring screen
- Use “Refresh” to track progress
- Look for any errors detected by clicking on the report icon. *If any exist, file must be recreated and start from beginning after making necessary corrections in SIS
- Once complete without errors, proceed by choosing “Validate Submission Data” under the Validations tab
- Select all LEA data and all categories, and select all error types
- It is optional to name the promotion for your own tracking purposes
- Select “Next”, verify the category list, and “Submit”
- The viewing screen automatically changes to the status monitoring screen
- Use “Refresh” to track progress
- View the error report by clicking on the report icon. *If any fatals exist, file must be recreated and start from beginning after making necessary corrections in SIS
- Fatals must be fixed. Warnings and special warning should be reviewed and fixed at the discretion of the charter administrator
- *File must be recreated and processed from beginning after errors are fixed in SIS
- Once complete without fatal errors and/or only includes acceptable warnings and special warnings, view and print reports
- Verify numbers reported are correct and match to the audit
- Select complete button from the “Prepare/Finalize Submission” tab
- Superintendent will finalize the submission to TEA by clicking “SOA Approval”
- ESC will accept file to validate file to TEA
*If at any point you encounter errors and change data in the SIS and create new interchange files, you must start the TSDS submission process from the beginning. To do this entails another step, using the “Delete Utility” in the “Manage Data Loads” tab to clear out old data.