High School Indicators – Summer PEIMS

Did you know that there are multiple accelerated programs that your district could be offering your High School students? These programs are a great opportunity for your students and can potentially boost your districts’ College, Career and Military Readiness calculations! If your district offers one of these programs, you will need to code the students … Read More

Summer PEIMS

It is incredibly important that your Student Information System (SIS) Calendar accurately reflects what occurred in your district each day! In order to receive full ADA funding each of your campus calendars must include at least 75,600 operational minutes, including all applicable waivers. Operational minutes include all daily minutes from the start of student instruction … Read More

PEIMS: Who, What, Where, When and Why

Why is PEIMS Accuracy Important? The Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) consists of four mandatory yearly data submissions. These submissions encompass most data requested and received by TEA about public education for all school districts in the state of Texas. Confirming the accuracy of your district’s PEIMS data is critical to ensuring that you … Read More

Why is PEIMS Accuracy Important?

The Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) consists of four mandatory yearly data submissions. These submissions encompass all data requested and received by TEA about public education for all school districts in the state of Texas. Confirming the accuracy of your district’s PEIMS data is critical to ensuring that you are submitting a true account … Read More

Special Program Student Coding

Did you know that some of the special programs you offer in your district have a weighted ADA funding for the students enrolled in that program? This means more money for the services you are providing your students! With that weighted funding comes the potential for additional TEA scrutiny. Each special program that your district … Read More

Special Education Timeline Rule Change for Transfer Students

Have you enrolled any new special education transfer students this year? If so, this information is for you! TEA recently implemented a rule change that addresses a district’s obligations when enrolling a student receiving special education services who has transferred to your district from another Texas district, from out of state, or over the summer … Read More

The Student Attendance Accounting Handbook

As a Charter School District, our number one goal is to offer students a safe, happy and healthy place to learn and grow as individuals. All students are different, and it is important that each district meets their individual needs, often by offering different special programs and learning opportunities. Each special program offered by your … Read More

Make the PEIMS process easier by using the XML Validation Tool

Have you ever waited for hours to process your PEIMS file through TSDS only to find that you have errors you need to research and work through? Then, to make matters worse, you have to do the same long process again just to see if you corrected the error. If so, The XML Validation Tool … Read More


Attendance is much more that a teacher counting a student present in class at the official attendance snapshot time. Proper coding is vital to ensure that your district receives the funding that it deserves! Everyone in your district works hard to educate and support your students and it is important that your district does not … Read More

Special Program Student Coding

Did you know that some of the special programs you offer in your district have a weighted ADA funding for the students enrolled in that program? This means more money for the services you are providing your students! With that weighted funding comes the potential for additional TEA scrutiny. Each special program that your district … Read More