Title I Paraprofessional Requirements
Summer is coming and soon you will be hiring for next year! As you look to acquire new talent, please be aware of the qualifications that Title I-funded instructional paraprofessionals must possess. The “highly qualified” requirements for Title I-funded instructional paraprofessionals were retained when NCLB was reauthorized as ESSA. TEA has forms to complete when hiring Title I instructional paraprofessionals. Please make sure to document that they meet the requirements before hiring!
What is an instructional paraprofessional?
The employer is responsible to ensure that teachers and paraprofessionals who work with students on academic skills have the content expertise to properly educate students. Usually, this is handled through state certification requirements; however, this is often not the case in charter districts. The bottom line is that you do not want paraprofessionals working with students on academic skills that they do not have mastery of themselves. Please see the link to the one-pager below for a bulleted list of job duties that are considered instructional. Paraprofessionals whose only duties are translation or parent involvement do not have to possess these credentials. Any paraprofessional who works in an instructional capacity and is funded whole OR in part by Title I, Part A funds, must meet one of the requirements in the following paragraph.
What credentials are required?
Prior to providing services, Title I, Part A paraprofessionals must have a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent AND meet one of the following requirements:
- Complete at least two years of study at an institution of higher education (defined as completion of 48 semester hours or equivalent trimester hours) of college coursework or an applicable number of semester hours as defined by the institution of higher education attended, whichever is less; or
- Possess an associate (or higher) degree; or
- Meet a rigorous standard of quality and can demonstrate, through a local academic assessment— Knowledge of and the ability to assist in instructing reading, writing, and mathematics; or Knowledge of and the ability to assist in instructing reading readiness, writing readiness, and mathematics readiness, as appropriate. The regional Education Service Center in your area should be able to assist you with these examinations.
- Additionally, within one year of being hired, Title I, Part A paraprofessionals must have the Educational Aide state certification. Note: Charter school personnel are exempt from the state certification requirement unless it is required by their local policies and procedures.
The CSS Federal team is knowledgeable about Title I compliance requirements as well as many other federal grant requirements. Partner with us today!
Where are the forms located?
- Title I Requirements for Paraprofessionals One-pager
- Title I Requirements for Paraprofessionals Documentation Form (Form should be completed upon hire and retained in the employee’s HR record.)
A word of caution!
Charter districts should keep these requirements in mind when transferring personnel or changing the fund source of a position as well. It is worth noting that Title I is the only federal grant fund to which this requirement applies, and it applies whether your Title I program is schoolwide or targeted assisted.
Need help?
Please contact Charter School Success:
- Dr. Sheila K. Sherman ssherman@charterschoolsuccess.com
Have questions?