PEIMS: Who, What, Where, When and Why
Why is PEIMS Accuracy Important?
The Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) consists of four mandatory yearly data submissions. These submissions encompass most data requested and received by TEA about public education for all school districts in the state of Texas. Confirming the accuracy of your district’s PEIMS data is critical to ensuring that you are submitting a true account of the students served, and the services your district has provided throughout the year. It is imperative that your district verify proper student coding to maximize your ADA funding! PEIMS data is used for most TEA requests due to the robust nature of the four yearly submissions.
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What is PEIMS data being used for?
PEIMS data directly affects your district’s funding, accountability and compliance systems. The data in each PEIMS submission varies greatly and is used for a variety of reasons.
- 24/7 Public Access to Education Information
- School Funding
- Accountability and Accreditation
- Annual Dropout Reporting
- District Effectiveness and Compliance Monitoring
- School Financial and Desktop Audits
- State and Federal Reporting
- Budget Forecasting
- Educational Research (College Board)
TEA uses Fall PEIMS data to:
- Calculate compensatory entitlement
- Monitor student special programs
- Report data to the federal government
- Calculate student retention rates
- Calculate basic profiles for the Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS)
- Perform TEA desk audits
TEA uses Mid-Year PEIMS data to:
- Report data to the Texas State Legislature
- Monitor student special program expenditures
- Audit school districts
- Perform TEA desk audits
TEA uses Summer PEIMS data to:
- Calculate Foundation School Program (FSP) final allotments
- Calculate student attendance and course completion rates
- Create a portion of the Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS)
- Strengthen the monitoring of student special programs
- Perform TEA desk audits
TEA uses Extended Year PEIMS data to:
- Calculate Extended School Year (ESY) funding
- Calculate LEP: BIL/ESL summer school funding
- Monitor student special programs
- Perform TEA desk audits
Every PEIMS data element submitted throughout the year is being used for something, by someone! Below is a list of some of our PEIMS data elements have a direct Accountability and/or Financial Impact for your district.
PEIMS data elements that impact Accountability
- Student Basic Information
- Student Enrollment Data
- Leaver Records
- Student Basic Attendance
- Special Education Attendance
- Course Completion Records
- Flexible Attendance (if applicable)
- Graduation Program Data
- Economically Disadvantaged Codes
- Emergent Bilingual (previously LEP)
- Race and Ethnicity Data
- Special Education Data- current and former students
- Continuously and Non- Continuously Enrolled Student data
- On Ramps Courses
- Dual Credit
- Enlistment in the U.S Armed Forces
- Industry Certifications
- Students who earned an associate degree
- Students who completed a CTE Coherent Sequence
- Students who completed a College Prep Course
- IEP and Workforce Readiness Graduates
PEIMS data elements with a Financial Impact
- Enrollment (ADA Eligibility)
- Attendance
- Homeless Status
- Title 1
- Economically Disadvantaged Coding
- Dyslexia
- Census Block Tiers
- Special Education
- Prekindergarten
- Age/Grade level
- Campus ID of Residence
- School Calendar
- Pregnancy Related Services- CEHI
- Emergent Bilingual (previously LEP)
- At-Risk
- Career and Technology Education
- Additional Days School Year Program (ADSY)
Bottom line:
PEIMS may be submitted to TEA quarterly, but it is in fact something that is being done on your campuses every day. The better trained your PEIMS staff is, and the more involvement special programs administrators have in the process, the more accurate your data will be. Reporting verified, accurate and valid PEIMS data can help charters avoid costly and time-consuming TEA interventions. It is important to have attendance procedures in place, and to properly code students receiving special services, to maximize your ADA funding!