Attendance is much more that a teacher counting a student present in class at the official attendance snapshot time. Proper coding is vital to ensure that your district receives the funding that it deserves! Everyone in your district works hard to educate and support your students and it is important that your district does not sell itself short on the services that have been provided. In this tip, you will find important information regarding student codes to verify in order to ensure that your summer PEIMS submission requests the maximum funding available to your district.
Calendar Minutes vs Days Requirement:
All charter districts are required to meet a minimum of 75,600 minutes of operation or 180 instructional days per year for full ADA funding. The good news is that approved waiver minutes from TEA count towards this minimum requirement. If your district does not meet the minimum 75,600 minutes of operation or 180 instructional days your districts total ADA funding for the year will be reduced.
CLICK HERE to register for the PEIMS ADA Funding Online Course.
How do you know if your district needs to be submitting days or minutes?
- Charter schools in operation prior to January 1, 2015 can choose between 75,600 operational minutes or 180 instructional days unless the charter contract specifies length of school year.
- Charters granted after January 1, 2015, must meet the 75,600-minute requirement.
For further clarification, please refer to the chart below:
Why are waivers important?
Waiver minutes are very helpful and can be used to reach your 75,600-minute minimum requirement. It is important to keep in mind that there is a 4200-minute waiver cap, so always track how many waiver minutes your district has used to ensure you do not exceed this maximum.
- The Staff Development Waiver is a single waiver consisting of 2100 staff development minutes that can be used at the district’s discretion. This waiver is available in TEAL and should be applied for (if possible) before your calendar has been board approved. It is important to keep in mind that on student instruction/staff development combination days, students must receive at least 120 minutes of INSTRUCTION to receive full funding for that day. These minutes cannot be used before the first day of school, or after the last day of school. They must be used within the student’s school calendar.
- The Missed School Day Waiver is available to districts that have to close school unexpectedly for three or more days. The district must be able absorb or make up the first two missed days before a waiver will be granted for any additional missed days. This waiver allows you to submit normal total school day minutes.
- The Low Attendance Day Waiver can be applied for if your district has a school day that falls 10% below the prior year ADA average. TEA encourages districts to wait until the end of the year to apply to for this waiver in the event that you are close to the 4200-waiver minute cap. This waiver can be applied to your entire district or to an individual campus. This waiver allows you to submit normal total school day minutes.
Why is student special program participation coding important?
Some students receive more funding from the state than others. If you are not accurately coding these students, you will not be reimbursed for the services your district has provided. You will be submitting student special program participation contact hours in your summer PEIMS submission.
The following students receive ‘weighted’ funding:
- Special Education (SPED)
- Bilingual/ESL (EB)
- Pregnancy Related Services (PRS)
- Career and Technology Education (CTE)
- Dyslexia
These programs each have unique eligibility criteria, documentation requirements and enrollment and withdrawal procedures. It is important that you are following all requirements for participation in these programs as outlined in the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook which can be accessed at Student Attendance Accounting Handbook | Texas Education Agency.
Why are student eligibility codes important?
Student ADA Eligibility codes drive the funding for each student! You do not want to lose funding due to a data input error, or a misunderstanding of student codes. It is always important to verify your student’s ADA eligibility coding to ensure proper funding.
- 0 – Enrolled, Not in Membership – No ADA Funding
- 1 – Eligible for Full Day Attendance – Full ADA Funding
- 2 – Eligible for Half Day Attendance- ½ ADA Funding!
- 3 – Eligible Transfer Full Day Attendance – Not allowable for Charters
- 4 – Ineligible for Full Day Attendance – No ADA Funding
- 5 – Ineligible for Half Day Attendance – No ADA Funding
- 6 – Eligible Transfer Half Day Attendance – Not allowable for Charters
- 7 – Eligible Alternative Attendance Program- Full ADA Funding
- 8 – Ineligible Alternative Attendance Program – No ADA Funding
It is also important to keep in mind that any minor errors found in your six-week FSP submissions will be corrected in your summer PEIMS submission. The summer PEIMS submission should be an accurate account of your student’s attendance, which directly affects your ADA funding. If you are routinely verifying that your student coding is correct and that your calendar meets the minimum requirements, then your district is on the way to receiving the maximum funding possible for all services provided!
Have Questions?
- Contact CSS PEIMS Director Laura Jandle at ljandle@charterschoolsuccess.com
- Register for the PEIMS ADA Funding Online Course.
- Visit the Charter School Community Roundtable, where you can ask questions, get answers and more!