New Home Language Survey Effective August 9, 2023
Does the back-to-school rush have you running behind? Well, you are not alone! Just last week TEA released a new Home Language Survey (HLS) to use when enrolling new students starting August 9, 2023 ! Unfortunately, the enrollment packets you have so nicely prepared will need an adjustment. The Home Language Survey is an important document for the identification process of Emergent Bilingual students, so please read on to see what you need to do to keep your bilingual/ESL papers in compliance.
What is new about the form?
The Home Language form has gone from containing two questions to having three questions. The new question is related to students who have changed living situations due to foster care, change of guardianship, or other family reasons. Sometimes the change of living arrangements results in a change of language spoken at home. For example, a student may be in a predominately Spanish speaking home, and then be moved to an English-speaking family. The indication on the HLS that Spanish was the primary language in the previous home setting would be a reason to test the student.
New question: “If the child had a previous home setting, which languages were used? If there was no previous home setting, answer Not Applicable (N/A). ____________.”
What do I need to do?
Download the new form and begin using it to enroll new students starting August 9, 2023. The new form must not be altered from the TEA format. All LEAs will be using the same form statewide starting Aug 9. Please alert all personnel involved in enrolling and LPAC testing students of the new form (today)!
Note: You do NOT have to go back and re-do the form for students enrolled prior to August 9.
Where is the new form located?
Click here to access the new form, and do not alter the form on page 1-2: New Aug 9 2023 Home Language Survey
The above link contains the form in English and Spanish. More languages are available along with other LPAC forms on the state portal (click on LPAC at the top).
Read the TEA Memo from Aug 3, 2023 here: TEA Memo Ch 89 Changes from Aug 3, 2023
You can count on CSS to keep you up to date on last minute requirements! Our federal team monitors TEA communication to keep our clients up to date!
Other useful tips!
- The earliest available home language survey should be used to make decisions to test. You should always collect a new one upon enrollment just in case you can’t obtain one from the previous school district. It is not always necessary to test if you can get current LPAC papers from the previous school district (although LPAC should always review new students’ placements).
- The HLS should be sent as part of records requests if a student leaves your school.
- The term “Emergent Bilingual” is a Texas term for a bilingual or ESL student. The federal government still uses the term “English Learner (Els).”
- You have the first 45 calendar days of the 2023-24 school year to make LPAC reviews and exits for students from last year. This is also called “reclassification.” This change was to give extra time because TELPAS and STAAR scores were not available yet at the end of school last May. This will not always be the timeline.
- During the first 45 days of school, you can use the 2022-23 exit criteria. At the end of 2023-24, you will make exit decisions based on new criteria which will involve the TELPAS Composite score. (See txel.org this spring for a reclassification chart).
Need our help?
Contact Dr. Sheila K. Sherman, Federal Grants Manager – ssherman@charterschoolsuccess.com