TCLAS Grant Changes and Possible Survey Due April 6, 2024

TCLAS Grant Changes and Possible Survey Due April 6, 2024

March 31, 2024 | Grants Management

If you have funding from more than one TCLAS decision, the information in today’s article might come as good news for you! TEA is allowing money to be moved between TCLAS decisions in some cases. However, if you wish to do so, you must complete a survey by April 6! No TCLAS funds? You can stop reading here, but if you have more than one TCLAS decision, please keep on reading!

What funds can be moved?

  1. The change applies to Decisions 1-10.
  2. Funds can only be moved within the same fund source/fund code. TCLAS GR funds in 429 or TCLAS ESSER III funds in 279. You cannot move funds from 429 to 279 or vice versa.
  3. You cannot move funds out of Decisions 6, 7, or 8, but you can move funds into these decisions (from other 279 TCLAS funds).
  4. Decision 11 is stand alone. Money cannot be moved from or into Decision 11, but it can be moved within Decision 11.

The chart in this memo is helpful.

TEA TCLAS Changes Memo

Pre-approval to move funds is required by submitting a survey by April 6.

Where is the survey?

The survey, or “TCLAS Movement of Funds Request,” is located here:   

Additional Changes in Due Dates for TCLAS

TCLAS Amendment Deadline for GR funds (429) is now April 15, 2024, but the grant still ends on May 31, 2024. This will be the last day to obligate funds, although goods and services can continue to be received through 7/31/24. Should you get approval by April 8 to move TCLAS funds, you will have a very short timeframe to then do an amendment!

TCLAS Amendment Deadline for ESSER III funds (279) is now July 2, 2024, and the grant ends on Sept 30, 2024. This will be the last day to obligate funds, although goods and services can continue to be received through 1/2/25.*

* This summer, an extension for contracted services only (6200) may be requested.  More information and an application to extend contracted services will be coming this summer (2024). This will be for the ESSER III portion of TCLAS only (and regular ESSER III) and will allow for contracts in place by 9/30/24 to be continued through 2/28/26.

Clients of the CSS federal team benefit when fast changes occur with grants and short timeframes are required. We do the work so you can run your charter!

In light of this information, you need to think about positions you have funded with TCLAS and when they will end. Consider contracts, such as tutoring, that you might want more money for knowing that you will be able to extend them. You should quickly look at your remaining TCLAS funds and consider if you can benefit from moving funds to another decision or to be able to continue a contract until 2026. Unfortunately, you have very limited time to make a decision and submit, especially for TCLAS GR funds.

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