End of Year Federal Activities for Charter Districts

CSS is there to keep you organized in the end of school madness! Our handy checklist below contains “all things federal grants” that you need to finish up the year! You will find all pertinent TEA deadlines that you can add to your calendar today! CSS hopes you have an incredible end of the year … Read More

PEIMS: Who, What, Where, When and Why

Why is PEIMS Accuracy Important? The Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) consists of four mandatory yearly data submissions. These submissions encompass most data requested and received by TEA about public education for all school districts in the state of Texas. Confirming the accuracy of your district’s PEIMS data is critical to ensuring that you … Read More

Why is PEIMS Accuracy Important?

The Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) consists of four mandatory yearly data submissions. These submissions encompass all data requested and received by TEA about public education for all school districts in the state of Texas. Confirming the accuracy of your district’s PEIMS data is critical to ensuring that you are submitting a true account … Read More

When to Amend Federal Grants

It is spring cleaning time! Now is the time to review and clean up any changes needed in your federal grants to finish up the year. CSS recommends that you make sure the remaining funds are budgeted where you need them before the grant ends. Perhaps your summer plans have changed, an added expense is … Read More

College Exam Fees Reimbursements 2023-24

Do your juniors and seniors know they get one free SAT, ACT, or TSI administration? Since 2019, HB3 funding has removed barriers to college access by providing district reimbursements for the administration of the SAT/ACT/and TSIA once per student. Charter districts have already been given estimated funding for this in the 2023-24 Summary of Finances … Read More

Special Program Student Coding

Did you know that some of the special programs you offer in your district have a weighted ADA funding for the students enrolled in that program? This means more money for the services you are providing your students! With that weighted funding comes the potential for additional TEA scrutiny. Each special program that your district … Read More

EDGAR Part 1: Administrative Procedures

No doubt, Federal grant funds can provide great benefits for your students. From additional interventions to added technology, the possibilities are many, but programs funded by the USDE-issued grants such as Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and IDEA-B are regulated by many rules that can be difficult to understand. As a savvy administrator, you want … Read More

TCLAS Grant Changes and Possible Survey Due April 6, 2024

If you have funding from more than one TCLAS decision, the information in today’s article might come as good news for you! TEA is allowing money to be moved between TCLAS decisions in some cases. However, if you wish to do so, you must complete a survey by April 6! No TCLAS funds? You can … Read More

AskTED Data Updates

Staying informed is important for administrators to be able to do their job well. How do you make sure that you get important information coming out of TEA?  One of the main ways is updating AskTED, the online Texas Education Directory (TED), which is updated daily. AskTED is the primary source used by TEA and … Read More

New Grant Opportunities in eGrants

You might have noticed some new grants appear in your eGrants screen recently under “Grants/Apply for eligible grants.”  Oddly enough, you might not even be eligible. This article is to explain the grants and how to respond in eGrants to either apply or reject them.  Action is required by all Charter Districts. What is the … Read More