Random Validations for Federal Program Compliance – Phase 2
Phase I of random validations for federal program compliance monitoring ended on Oct 23rd. If you dodged that bullet (yee haw!), take heed — there is another round that begins Nov 28! For charters, this mainly concerns two areas of compliance: the Unsafe School Choice Option (USCO) and the Title I Ed Flex waiver. CSS has gathered all the pertinent information on validation for all our compadres out there in the Charter world. Keep reading so that you don’t end up on TEA’s “most wanted” list!
What is being Validated?
The Federal Program Compliance Division at TEA will notify LEAs on Nov 28, 2023, if they have been randomly selected to submit documentation of program compliance. The ESC for each LEA selected will also be notified in order to begin providing technical assistance. Phase 2 includes the following programs:
- Unsafe School Choice Option (USCO)
- Title V, Part B (RLIS) (not likely for charters)
- Title I, Part D (rare for charters)
- Title I, Part A Campus Schoolwide EdFlex Waiver
LEAs selected in the “big four” (Title I, II, III, or IV) random validations CAN be selected again. Instructions for submission will be included in the email notification, and documents will be returned via the WorkApps system of the Federal Program Compliance Division. Documents will be due Dec 12, 2023.
Where is information on what is being validated?
Unsafe School Choice Option
If selected, your charter would need to produce a copy of a policy or procedure to allow transfers for students who become victims of a violent criminal offense (these are felonies the most common of which in school settings are assault or sexual assault). This is a challenge for charters because many don’t have any other campuses available to attend. In these cases, the law would require the offender to be removed from the campus, but the policy is that victims’ guardians must be notified of their right to request a transfer in writing. The USCO policy is most often located in the student handbook or discipline code of conduct. If no other campus is available in the LEA, the policy should provide for other types of services to ensure the safety of the student (virtual instruction, for example) or a cooperative agreement with another LEA to accept transfers.
Edflex Waiver
When the LEA first completes schedule WV4004 in the Consolidated Federal Grant Application to request the Schoolwide Eligibility Waiver for a campus, the LEA is instructed to complete a Supporting Documentation Form to be maintained locally and to be available on request. If selected for random validation, this form must be submitted to TEA. Only campuses with an active EdFlex waiver for 2023-24 will be in the pool for possible selection.
Where can I find more information if I am selected?
Your ESC will provide technical assistance between 11/29 and 12/12 if you are selected. If you are found to be out of compliance and require an improvement plan/resubmission, the role of the ESC in supporting you will increase.
CSS strives to make sure our clients are always ready for validation, and we work in tandem with the technical assistance provided by your ESC in the event our clients are randomly selected!
The validation forms, handbooks, and training slides/recordings are posted at the following website: TEA Random Validation Webpage
CSS always advises that you be ready for validation even if you do not get selected! Reviewing the random validation documents and taking appropriate action are excellent methods to prepare for the compliance reporting that will come later this year.
Need help?
Please contact Charter School Success:
Dr. Sheila K. Sherman ssherman@charterschoolsuccess.com
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