Operational Minutes Adjustment 2021-2022

Operational Minutes Adjustment 2021-2022

April 5, 2022 | Financial Management

The Texas Education Agency has announced that LEAs will receive an automatic adjustment to operational minutes for the 1st – 4th six-weeks attendance reporting periods to mitigate against FSP funding reductions due to low percentage attendance rates. This will allow LEAs the opportunity to recoup funds lost due to low attendance rates likely caused from the recent COVID-19 pandemic.

Who is Eligible?

TEA will apply this automatic adjustment to all LEAs that are showing a lower average attendance percentage rate for their 1st – 4th six-weeks when comparing their 2021-2022 school year to their 2019-2020 school year.

Calculation of Adjustment

TEA will calculate a target percentage attendance rate (TPAR) for each LEA for the first four six-weeks attendance reporting period based on 2019-2020 school year data. The TPAR will be compared to the LEA’s actual first four six-weeks percentage attendance rate to determine if the LEA experienced a lower rate than the TPAR. If the actual percentage attendance rate is lower, TEA will adjust the operational minutes as necessary to increase the actual percentage attendance rate to the TPAR. The calculation for TPAR for the first four six-weeks attendance is shown below:

  • TPAR = Total Days Present / Total Days Membership, where
  • Total Days Present = Total Eligible Days Present + Total Ineligible Days Present
  • Total Days Membership = Total Days Present + Total Days Absent

The calculation is used for both the first four six-weeks of 2019-2020 school year and the 2021-2022 school year. If an LEA was not in operation in 2019-2020 school year, then it will be assigned the state average TPAR of 95.32% for the first four six-weeks.

Example of Adjustment

Follow the link provided by TEA here to find your District’s TPAR calculation for the 2019-2020 school year. TPAR information is listed under the District and Charter Planning Tools section.

2019-2020 TPAR information from link provided by TEA

  • Total Days Present 1st-4th Six-weeks 2019-2020 = 226,820
  • Total Days Membership 1st -4th Six-weeks 2019-2020 = 239,609
  • TPAR first 4 six-weeks = 94.66%

2021-2022 ADA Projection Report

Total Days Present 45357 43025 41075 35104 35104 35104
Total Days Absent 3498 2957 4465 3982 3982 3982
Total Ineligible Days 24.5 0 0 0 0 0
Total Eligible Days 45332 43025 41075 35104 35104 35104
Days Present 45357 43025 41075 35104 35104 35104
Days Membership 48854 45982 45540 39086 39086 39086
TPAR 92.84% 93.57% 90.20% 89.81% 89.81% 89.81%

TPAR first 4 six-weeks = (92.84+93.57+90.20+89.81)/4 = 91.60%

2021-2022 FSP Allotment $16,385,845

2021-2020 Enrollment 1570.43

Total Refined ADA (1570.43 X 91.01%) = 1429.20

Average FSP per student $11,465.05

Total Refined ADA (with TPAR*) 1570.43 X .9466 = 1486.57

*Since 2019-2020 TPAR is greater than 2021-2020 use the percentage to calculate a new Refined ADA

Difference in Refined ADA 1486.57-1429.20 = 57.37 X 11,465.05 = $657,750

Estimated additional FSP funding at Settle-up $657,750

Effect on FSP funding

LEA’s will see the impact of the automatic adjustment to the operational minutes on the near final summary of finances report and additional funds would be received in settle-up at the end of the year.  Since this adjustment only applies to the first four six-weeks, LEA’s should continue to monitor and adjust their budgets accordingly for the fifth and sixth six-weeks attendance reporting periods.

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