Federal Report Card Requirements

Federal Report Card Requirements

January 10, 2025 | Grants Management

The grades are out! How did you do? Each year the federal report cards are released to the public. In Texas there are two types of report cards – state and federal. The state report cards are on hold due to the litigation involving the A-F accountability ratings. However, the wheels of the federal government keep on turning, and the federal report cards for 2023-24 were released right before holiday break. The deadline for charters to complete public reporting requirements is March 3, 2025.

The CSS federal team guides our partner schools through the federal report card dissemination process to ensure compliance with reporting requirements!

Where can I locate my federal report card(s)?

Federal report cards are produced for both the charter district (LEA) and all campuses within the LEA. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) releases them each year on the Federal Report Card Website. Reports for any public school or charter can be looked up on this site. Public schools are required to notify the families of their students of the availability of the report cards and how to locate them online.

What are the reporting steps we must complete for our charter district and schools?

At a minimum, the LEA must—

  • Post direct links to the State, LEA, and campus report cards on its website;
  • Notify parents of all students about the availability of the report cards and the options for obtaining them (See TEA-provided letters below);
  • Provide appropriate translation (either oral or written) upon request;
  • Make hard copies available to parents upon request; and
  • Make hard copies available for viewing in public locations such as your front office, parent centers, or public library.

As per recent guidance from the US Department of Education, each LEA shall have the federal report cards posted on its website for a minimum of 3 years.

What do we distribute to our parents and guardians?

Sample letters are provided in the following links. LEAs can customize the letters as needed. A Spanish translation is made available by the state; however, any languages for which you have a bilingual program must be translated as well. To clarify, LEAs do not have to print the federal report cards for everyone (they are very lengthy), but you do need to print and distribute the letters either by mail or in take home systems in place. If anyone in your community requests a hard copy of the federal report card, then you must print it.

It is very important to document the date and method the letters were distributed to your parents!

TEA Resources

Please refer to the Grant Compliance Federal Report Card TEA Website for more information.

To see lists of schools identified for corrective action under federal guidelines for student performance, please go to the 2024 Accountability System website. The 2024 Accountability Manual explains the connection to the federal scores and the Closing the Gap domain.

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