District Accreditation
Accreditation is another word for credible. Most LEAs don’t think about their accreditation status unless it’s in jeopardy, but it is extremely important. Without proper accreditation from the State, a charter district can no longer be recognized by the State and forced to close. With the current accountability system, an LEA can have their accreditation placed in warned status in just two years. On January 31, 2020, Texas Education Agency released the official accreditation results for 2019-20 (see TEA memo here). Today’s CSS “tip” explains the different accreditation levels in Texas as well as directives if your results are less than stellar.
CSS has assembled a team of successful, experienced individuals who will advise our contracted clients how to make improvements if their accreditation status slips below “Accredited.”
What factors are used to determine a district’s accreditation rating?
The district’s academic performance and financial accountability form the basis for the accreditation status. In addition, a district’s compliance with the commissioner’s rules in the areas of PEIMS reporting, meeting graduation requirements, and the effectiveness of district programs for special populations are considered. For a detailed explanation of the factors reviewed, see the Accreditation Status Matrix on TEA’s webpage.
What ratings are possible for a charter or district?
Districts and charters can be rated Accredited, Accredited-Warned, Accredited-Probation, or Not Accredited-Revoked.
Where do I find the District Accreditation ratings?
District accreditation ratings can be found here. Once on the Accreditation webpage, scroll down to the link for the 2019-20 Accreditation Statuses. Select the link and scroll down to your charter district ratings. The 2019-20 official accreditation results were posted to the public on 1/31/2020. Prior to public release, LEAs were made aware of their accreditation status through ISAM on 1/24/2020.
What actions required when the District Accreditation ratings are released?
- If the charter or district received a rating of “Accredited”, no actions are required.
- If a district or charter’s rating is anything other than Accredited, the district or charter must take specific actions to notify the parents of students enrolled in the district/charter and property owners in the district.
- The requirements for public notification are specified in 19 TAC §97.1055(f), and a template that reflects the TEA-required format and language for the public notice is posted here on the TEA website.
- Scroll down the page to the heading, displayed below. Sample templates for each rating category are provided.
- Districts that are assigned a status of Accredited-Warned, Accredited-Probation, or Not Accredited-Revoked will receive individual correspondence from the agency detailing required next steps and opportunities for review of the status assignment.
If you have questions or concerns, contact TEA as indicated below:
Division of Governance
Phone: (512) 463-5899
Email: Accred@tea.texas.gov
Please contact your CSS representatives if you have any questions:
- Sharon Benka, Director of Federal and Special Programs
- Dr. Sheila K. Sherman, Federal and State Special Program Specialist