Beginning of Year Activities for Federal Programs

Beginning of Year Activities for Federal Programs

July 18, 2024 | Grants Management

The 2024-25 school year is in sight, and it’s time to get organized to start the year off right! Planning and parental engagement are at the top of the list for the new year of federal programs, especially Title I. The CSS BOY Checklist will keep you in compliance with all the back-to-school federal requirements.

The CSS Federal Programs Team works directly with member schools to provide the guidance and resources necessary to meet these timelines.

Timeline of ActivitiesRequired/Necessary ActivitiesDocumentation Required
Spring and Summer 2024CNA and CIP – Schools must develop a schoolwide plan with the involvement of parents that includes a comprehensive needs assessment.

Documents such as the CNA and the CIP should be translated according to the written translation policy of your LEA.

Title I Random Validation Program Requirements
• Retain a written or electronic copy of CNA and CIP on campus.
• Post CIP on website
• Agenda, sign-in sheets and meeting notes that show involvement of parents, teachers, faculty, and business/community members for both the development of the CNA and the CIP

Before school beginsComplete Supplement Not Supplant Methodology - In a schoolwide program, federal funds must supplement the state and local resources the campus would receive in the absence of federal funds. To pass the supplemental funds test, an LEA must demonstrate that the method it uses to allocate state and local funds to its campuses is applied consistently and does not reduce the allocation of state and local funds to a schoolwide campus because of Title I, Part A funds. LEAs with all Title I campuses or a Single Title I campus will be exempt, but still must complete the “Statement of Exemption.” The district maintains documentation of its method and its calculations for auditing and monitoring purposes

Link to forms: Link to forms. See page 34.
Before school startsTitle-funded personnel – The campus administrator ensures that Title-funded personnel meet the federal requirement as delineated in the grant program and comply with the job description requirements. This includes the employee signing their job descriptions dated on or before their first contract day. Job descriptions should include the federal fund source and percent of time paid from the federal grant.

Complete form for all Title 1 Paraprofessionals
Work schedule of Title personnel that provides enough information to indicate the work or duties carried out are appropriate
9/1/2024Parent and Family Engagement Policy – Title I, Part A Charter Districts and campuses must annually evaluate, update, and distribute to parents a written parental involvement policy saying how it will support the involvement of parents. Policies are now required to be posted in a public location.

Check out Region 16 Statewide Initiative webpage on Parent & Family Engagement Policy page for more resources.
Copies of agendas, sign in sheets, and minutes from committee meetings; current copies of plans posted online
9/1/2024School-Parent Compacts - Title I, Part A Schoolwide campuses must annually evaluate, update, and distribute a School-Parent Compact that is a written agreement between teachers and parents and identifies the activities for shared responsibility. It outlines those activities parents and schools will undertake to maintain two-way communication and work as partners for improved academic achievement.

For more on Parent Compacts check out Region 16 and the multiple sources they provide for School Parent Compacts.
• Copy of parent involvement policy posted on website and translated per the district translation policy
• Meeting agendas, meeting notes and sign-in sheets that show the involvement of parents.

9/3/2024ESSA Application Deadline –A CNA and CIP must be completed before submitting this application.
Note: Public notice and an opportunity for public comment must be provided before grants are submitted!
Besides ESSA, IDEA-B and Perkins have the same deadline.
Through the TEAL portal on the TEA website
– For use in fall, spring and summer semesters
Substitute Time & Effort Reporting - EDGAR requires employees who work on multiple activities or cost objectives (commonly called “split funded”) to document their time and effort in one of two ways:

•By meeting the characteristics in 2 CFR 200.430(i) or
•Through an approved "substitute system."
You can review your prior approval and expiration date here.Link to website
9/30/2024ESSA 2023-24 Compliance Report deadline to submit
Compliance Report Training and Resources
Through the TEAL portal on the TEA website
9/30/2024Training on the importance of Parental Involvement for Faculty and Staff – Title I, Part A campuses must educate teachers, pupil services personnel, and other staff members, with the assistance of parents in the value and utility of the contributions of parents.
Region 16’s Power Point on Educator Training is available to use. See also, same link as parent meeting above.
Agenda, minutes, sign-in sheets that show involvement of teachers, faculty and staff, PowerPoint presented to staff.
By 10/31/2024Conduct Title I Annual Meeting with Parents – The Title I, Part A campus convenes an annual meeting to notify parents of their school’s participation in the Title I program, to explain the program requirements, and to inform the parents of their right to be involved.

Region 16 Provides a link to materials for the annual meeting.

Meeting invitations, agenda, minutes of meeting, sign-in sheets that show involvement of parents. Must offer more than one opportunity for a meeting (morning, evening, and/or virtual) to accommodate varying parent schedules.
Within the 1st 6 weeks.Teacher and Paraprofessional Qualifications- The district/campus ensures that parents of students in Title I schools are informed of their right to request and receive information on the qualifications of their children’s teachers and paraprofessionals providing services to their child.

Region 16 provides you with a template you can send out for Parents of Teacher/Paraprofessional Qualifications in English and in Spanish (click Parents’ Right to Know)
Copy of letter in both English and Spanish sent home and the date it was sent.

TEA has said including in handbook is insufficient even with a handbook receipt.


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