Required Internet Postings for Texas Charters
Charter schools that have websites are required by state law to post certain information on their site. If a charter fails to post the information, it can result in the charter’s mandatory revocation or restructuring of the charter holder’s governing board. Additionally, as recipients of federal funds, charters are also required by federal law and regulations to maintain certain information postings on their site.
As a charter, you want to avoid any penalties for non-compliance. Therefore, it is very important that your charter keep its website up-to date with all required postings.
Need more info? Register now for the Required Internet Postings online course here!
What needs to be posted?
Online Message Boards:
- Your charter is not required to maintain publicly accessible online message boards. If your charter does maintain such a message board:
- No more than one online message board (or similar online application) can used for Board members to exchange messages or broadcast public business or school policy information.
- The message board must be clearly displayed on the Charter’s website home page, and no more than one click of the mouse away from the home page.
- NOTE: There are strict guidelines as to creating online message boards. It is best practice to seek legal counsel in the development of such an exchange.
- See Gov’t Code § 551.006(b).
Info for Making Public Information Requests
- If your Charter board has designated one specific email and one mailing address at which it chooses to receive public information requests, then those addresses must be displayed on the charter’s website.
- If these addresses are posted, the school does not have to respond to a request for public information unless the following criteria are met. Request is received:
- at one of the addresses
- by hand delivery
- By an additional method that has been board-approved
- This other method must be detailed on
- The school’s website, or
- On the Texas Attorney General’s provided Public Information Act Poster, which if on display, should be in the school’s administrative offices (See Government Code section 552.205. Gov’t Code § 552.234(b), (d).
- Public Information Request Form
- A Public Information Request Form published by the Attorney General is available here. The charter is not requiredto allow requestors to use the form provided by the Attorney General, but if they do, this form must be posted on the school’s website.
- See Gov’t Code § 552.235(b).
- This other method must be detailed on
- If these addresses are posted, the school does not have to respond to a request for public information unless the following criteria are met. Request is received:
Names of Board Members:
- Must be listed on the Home Page of school website
- TEA requires that a screenshot of names of board members listed on the home page of school’s website be submitted each year.
- See Educ. Code § 12.1211; 19 Tex. Admin. Code § 100.1007(d)(2).
Board meeting notices:
- Gov’t Code §§ 551.056(a), (b)(3), 551.043, 551.051.
Board meeting agendas:
- A charter school must also post the Board meeting agenda on its website if there is a municipality of more than 48,000 people within its geographic boundaries. Gov’t Code § 551.056(c)(3).
Archived Board meeting recordings:
- Applies to Charters with enrollment of 10,000+
- See Gov’t Code § 551.128(b-1)
Conflict Disclosure Statements/Questionnaires:
- The charter must post completed documents on the website.
- See Loc. Gov’t Code § 176.009.
Superintendent’s salary:
- The salary of the superintendent (or the administrator serving as educational leader and CEO) must be posted continuously on the charter’s website
- TEA requires you submit a screenshot of the superintendent (or applicable officer) salary information on the charter website each year.
- See Educ. Code § 12.136; 19 Tex. Admin. Code §§ 100.1007(d), 100.1032(2)(K), 100.1050.
- A copy of the board-approved budget must be posted on the school website upon final approval, with a link to this adopted budget prominently displayed
- The posting must remain on the site through the third anniversary of budget adoption date
- See Educ. Code § 44.0051; 19 Tex. Admin. Code § 100.1032(2)(K).
Annual Financial Statement:
- Must be posted continuously on school’s website
- See Loc. Gov’t Code § 140.006(c); 19 Tex. Admin. Code §§ 100.1032(2)(K), 100.1050.
Annual Financial Report:
- While posting of the annual financial report is not requiredby Chapter 44 of the Education Code, according to Commissioner’s Rules, a charter may be non-renewed for failing to post its most current annual financial report on the school website. See 19 Tex. Admin. Code § 1032(2)(K) (Tex. Educ. Code § 44.008).
- Please note: a charter may publish the superintendent’s employment contract instead of the annual financial report. See 19 Tex. Admin. Code §1001(q)(3)(B)(i).
Federal Grant Award
- Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA), find more info at www.fsrs.gov
- Reports on sub awards amounting $25,000 or more
- Only applies to Federal grants awarded outside of TEA
Title I Requirements
- Title I campuses: Post Campus Improvement Plans (including CNA) in English and other languages as determined by the charter’s Translation Policy/Procedures
- Districts receiving Title I funds: Post District Improvement Plan (including CNA) in English and other languages as determined by the charter’s Translation Policy/Procedures
- Parent and Family Engagement Policy (campus and district) and School Parent Compact in English and other languages as determined by the charter’s Translation Policy/Procedures (recommended, not required)
- Translation Policy/Procedures
- Use of Funds Plan in English and other languages as determined by the charter’s Translation Policy/Procedures (recommended, not required)
- Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan in English and other languages as determined by the charter’s Translation Policy/Procedures (recommended, not required)
Contact Information for Title IX Coordinator(s):
- Schools receiving federal funding must prominently display on their website the following contact information for any Title IX Coordinator(s) designated by the school:
- name or title;
- office title;
- email address; and
- telephone number.
- See34 C.F.R. § 106.8(b)(1).
Title IX Training Materials:
- Updated Title IX regulations require schools that receive federal funding to post all materials used to train Title IX Coordinators, investigators, decision-makers, and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process on its website.
- Note: These materials must include training on the definition of sexual harassment included in the Title IX regulations; scope of the school’s educational program or activity; how to conduct an investigation and grievance process including hearings, appeals, and informal resolution processes, as applicable; how to serve impartially, including avoiding prejudgment of the facts at issue, conflicts of interest, and bias; issues of relevance of questions and evidence, including when questions and evidence about the complainant’s sexual predisposition or prior sexual behavior are not relevant; and issues of relevance to create an investigative report that fairly summarizes relevant evidence. See 34 C.F.R. § 106.45(b)(1)(iii).
- If a school does not maintain a website, it must make these Title IX Training materials available upon request for inspection to the public.
- See34 C.F.R. § 106.45(b)(10)(i)(D).
ADA/Website Accessibility
- It is recommended to include a notice to persons with disabilities with information about how to notify the school or to appropriate person to provide access to online content he/she finds inaccessible.
- The notice may include information or a link to information on how an individual can go about filing a formal grievance under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
Targeted Improvement Plan:
- If the campus has an intervention team assigned, all public meetings that occur with administrators, parents, and community members held to review the campus performance rating and solicit input for the development of a targeted improvement plan must be posted on the school’s website.
- The notice must include the time, date, and location of such a meeting, with the public notified at least 15 days prior by use of the school website, local newspapers or using other media designed to reach the public. See Educ. Code § 39A.056(a)(2), (b); 19 Tex. Admin. Code § 97.1061(d)(3)(A)(ii).
- Once a targeted improvement plan or updated targeted improvement plan is submitted to the board, a board hearing must be held to discuss the campus’ insufficient performance, improvements, as well as any measures to be taken if performance does not improve, and public comment sought. The school must post the proposed targeted improvement plan on its website before the public hearing takes place. Educ. Code § 39A.057(b).
Campus Turnaround Plan:
- If the development of a campus turnaround plan is mandated, the charter must notify stakeholders of their opportunity to review the plan on the school website at least 30 days before submission of the final plan to the board. 19 Tex. Admin. Code § 97.1064(e).
Accredited-Warned, Accredited-Probation, or Not Accredited-Revoked Accreditation Status Notices:
- If assigned an accreditation status of accredited-warned, accredited-probation, or not accredited-revoked, a notice must be posted on the school’s website home page no more than 30 days after the status is assigned.
- This post must include:
- Direct link to information about the accreditation status,
- The implications of such status, and
- Steps the school is taking to address the areas of deficiency
- Accreditation status notice must remain posted until the school is assigned Accredited status.
- The notice must use the format and language that has been approved by the commissioner. See https://tea.texas.gov/accredstatus/(“TEA Required Notification Language”). 19 Tex. Admin. Code § 97.1055(f)(3)(A).
- This post must include:
Texas Academic Performance Report:
- The charter’s Texas Academic Performance Report must be posted on the school’s website, as well as other places.
- See Educ. Code § 39.306; 19 Tex. Admin. Code § 61.1022(f).
Federal Report Card:
- If a charter receives Title I funds, an annual federal report card, including information on the charter system as a whole, as well as each school within the system, must be posted on the school website.
- See 20 U.S.C. § 6311(h)(2)(B)(iii)(I).
State Assessment Information:
- A school receiving Title I funds must post information on each assessment required by the state to comply with 20 U.S.C. 6311, other assessments required by the state, as well as any assessments required by the charter, including:
- the subject matter assessed;
- purpose for which the assessment is designed and used;
- the source of the requirement for the assessment; and
- where available, the amount of time students will spend taking the assessment, the schedule for the assessment, and the time and format for disseminating results.
- See 20 U.S.C. § 6312(e)(2)(B).
PE/Physical Activity Policies:
- A statement of the polices adopted to ensure elementary school, middle school, and junior high school students (as applicable) engage in at least the amount and level of physical activity required by Tex. Educ. Code § 28.002(1) must be posted on the school website.
- A statement including the following information must also be published on the website:
- How often school health advisory council met during the previous year;
- Information pertaining to adoption and enforcement of school’s policies to ensure compliance with guidelines designed to restrict student access to vending machines; and
- Information about adoption and enforcement of policies and procedures that penalize use of tobacco products by students and others on school grounds, and at school-sponsored/related activities.
- A statement to provide parents notification they may require their child’s physical fitness assessment results in writing at the end of the school year must also be posted.
- See Educ. Code §§ 28.004(k), 38.0141.
- A statement including the following information must also be published on the website:
Immunization Information:
- The school website must include a list (in Spanish and English) of immunizations required for admission to public school; immunizations or vaccines recommended for public school students by the Department of State Health Services, and all health clinics in the district known to be offering influenza vaccine (to the extent these are known), plus a link to the Department of State Health Services website detailing how to claim exemption from immunization requirements.
- See Tex. Educ. Code § 38.019(a).
Reporting Bullying:
- To the extent possible, a charter must post procedure for reporting bullying as set forth in school policy. This should include prohibition of bullying and retaliation against anyone who provides information concerning an incident of bullying in good faith.
- See Educ. Code §§ 12.104(b)(3)(P); 37.0832(e).
Food Allergies At-Risk for Anaphylaxis:
- The summary of TEA’s “Guidelines for the Care of Students with Food Allergies At-Risk for Anaphylaxis” as developed by the Commissioner of State Health Services must be posted each year on the school website. Note: TEA is required to post the Guidelines on its website, along with a summary of the Guidelines, and instructions on obtaining access to the complete Guidelines document. The Department of State Health Services last updated its webpage on “Allergies and Anaphylaxis” on June 26, 2020. Current “Guidelines for the Care of Students with Food Allergies At-Risk for Anaphylaxis” available online here.
- All forms used by the school to request information from a parent or guardian enrolling a child who has a food allergy must include information as to how to access a summary of the Guidelines or to access the complete Guidelines document must be posted on the school’s website.
- See Educ. Code § 38.0151.
Bacterial Meningitis Information:
- A charter must make the “Meningitis Information for Student & Parents” ( by Texas Department of State Health Services) available. Information should be provided through the school website, or through a link on the school website to the “Meningitis Information for Students & Parents” page, unless the school has written consent from TDSHS to provide this required notice to students and parents through another method.
- See Educ. Code § 38.0025(a), (c).
Early Childhood Literacy and Mathematics Proficiency Plans and Progress Reports:
- The Board should adopt and post to the school’s website early childhood literacy and mathematics proficiency plans with specific annual goals for the following five school years, including quantifiable goals at each campus for student performance in reading and mathematics.
- At least one district-level administrator (or an employee of the regional education service center for the school) must submit an annual report to the Board on the progress, and this report must be posted on the school’s website and the campus website, if any, for each campus.
- See Educ. Code §§ 11.185(a), (e), 12.104(b)(3)(T).
College, Career and Military Readiness:
- College, career, and military readiness plans adopted by the Board setting specific annual goals for the following five school years must be posted to the school website. Such plans should set quantifiable goals for measures of student college, career, and military readiness at each campus.
- At least one district-level administrator (or employee of the local regional education service center) must submit an annual report to the Board on the school’s progress toward the goals set. This report should be posted on the school and campus website.
- See Educ. Code §§11.186(c), 12.104(b)(3)(U).
Transition and Employment Guide:
- A transition and employment guide developed and published by the Texas Education Agency for students enrolled in special education programs and their parents must be posted to the school’s website.
- See Educ. Code § 29.0112(e)(1).
College Credit Program:
- If your charter has adopted a college credit program under Education Code § 28.009, a copy of the agreement (including articulation agreement) between the charter school and the public institution of higher education must be posted each year on the school’s website.
- Note: While TEC 28.009 is not directly applicable to charter schools, if a school has adopted TEC 28.009, this requirement should be followed.
- See Educ. Code § 28.009(b-2)(7).
Need more information?
- Visit the Charter School Community Forum to ask questions and get answers!
- Register now for the Required Web Postings online course.