Charter School Success… celebrating 10 years of supporting Texas Charters

Karen Mowbray, Charter School Success Founder
Since January 1, 2013, Charter School Success has been providing support for Texas Charter Schools. As we celebrate this milestone, we are delighted to feature a brief interview with our founder, Karen Mowbray. Below, a series of questions and answers with Karen.
What inspired you to start Charter School Success 10 years ago?
I had worked as a Business Officer of a Texas Charter School for 7 years and had learned how complicated the accounting, PEIMS, Federal Compliance and Human Resources responsibilities were to stay in compliance. I had done some training with TCSA and really enjoyed working with other charters. I decided there was a strong need for an organization that would provide the services for Charters so they could focus on the education and their charter mission, hence Charter School Success was born to help them with the other pieces.
Tell us about one of your favorite “firsts” at CSS!
Two “firsts” come to mind
- The first client was a very established Charter School, third generation (1998/99) that had a passion for education and welcomed Charter School Success with open arms. They were a delight to work with, and it was fun to watch them grow from a financially struggling charter to a very stable organization.
- The second “first” was helping two women who had a dream and passion to open a Montessori Charter in Texas. We worked together on their charter application. They were awarded a charter, and Charter School Success was at their side to set up the financial, federal and HR systems. It was very rewarding to watch them go from an idea to a bright energetic school for youngsters to learn.
Describe Charter School Success in one sentence
A partner organization that provides the necessary compliance services to Tx Charter Schools, that allows the school administrators to focus on their charter mission and the students, knowing their financials, federal, PEIMS, and HR services are being handled by Texas charter school experts.
How does Charter School Success stand out from other organizations?
It is much more encompassing of the back office needs than other Charter School providers. Some offer training or accounting or PEIMS or Federal compliance but Charter School Success is a full package for Texas Charter School Administrators.
This year we celebrate CSS’s 10th anniversary. What thoughts and emotions come to mind when you think about that?
Wow! I can’t believe it been 10 years since Charter School Success’ inception. It makes me very happy that Charter School Success continues to help Texas charters and that the whole charter system continues to grow in Texas.
In your opinion, what has driven Charter School Success’s success?
The staff at Charter School Success. The staff has great relationship skills, a thirst for knowledge and great work ethic, as a 100% remote work force (before that was a big thing, and long before COVID!) the team works well together and really includes the schools served as a part of the whole Charter School Success family. They care for each other, work well together and as a team support the client schools.
What do you hope is a value Charter School Success will always hold at its core?
The passion to help Texas charter schools be successful, by helping every staff member to be successful in serving his or her school.
Would you like to know more about Charter School Success services and training?