The COVID-19 Pandemic has left schools scrambling to turn their traditional curriculum into distance learning curriculum. Texas schools have been mandated to close their doors, but they are still operating from off-campus locations. Running a Distance Learning program has caused some unforeseen costs (not to mention stress) in supplies and technology that frankly, schools were … Read More
Financial Compliance and Accountability
Because Texans trust charter officials to spend money wisely and efficiently, the state’s financial accountability systems for public charters provides a report that annually examines school funding and compliance issues to confirm that spending has been appropriate. This report is referred to as Charter FIRST. Districts and charters must also have an outside auditor examine their financial records each … Read More
What Information is Public Information?
In the spirit of transparency, the Texas Public Information Act (TPIA) was adopted to help make governmental information accessible to the public. Charter schools, as a qualifying governmental body according to TEC 12.1051(a), must adhere to the regulations and responsibilities outlined in the act. This means that any member of the public for any reason … Read More
Open Meetings: What constitutes a quorum?
In the spirit of transparency, the Texas Open Meetings Act (TOMA) was adopted to help make governmental decision-making accessible to the public. Charter schools, as a qualifying governmental body according to TEC 12.1051(a), must adhere to the regulations and responsibilities outlined in the act. One of the important definitions outlined in the TOMA is that … Read More
COVID-19 Six Weeks Submissions, Calendars and Attendance
In this unprecedented time, schools across the nation are working to support students in a remote instructional setting. In Texas, all school classrooms must remain closed for students through the end of the 2019–20 school year. In his press conference on the state’s response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic, the Governor directed school … Read More
Mentor Program Allotment (MPA) Update
Update! CSS has new information about the Mentor Program Allotment Grant. The application is now available and can be found at The deadline to apply for this optional grant is June 8, 2020. Please be aware that there are summer requirements of the grant prior to funding being received. For more information, please read … Read More
Audit Firm Selection and Qualifications
In today’s Tip, we are discussing Audit Firm Selection and Qualifications. Auditing is a process of reviewing a Charter’s financial records to decide if they are accurate and align with regulations, state laws and accounting standard. Audits are conducted by third-party external auditors that are CPA (Certified Public Accountants) or by an auditing firm. External … Read More
Budget Staffing
When looking at your charter budget, it is easy to see where the vast majority of the costs lie. In almost all cases, personnel expenses – salaries and benefits – can comprise up to 80 percent of the total annual budget; with 62- 67 percent allotted for salaries and 15- 22 percent going towards benefits. … Read More
The Importance of a Strong Mission, Vision, and Values
What makes a charter school? Why do they exist? Why do we need them when there is an ISD where these kids could attend? Well, there is no easy answer to these questions. Each charter school is unique, born of a dream and purpose to meet an identified need not yet being met in its … Read More
Budget to Actual Analysis
Charter schools are required to establish budgets which outline how the school will spend its funds throughout the year. The budget’s goals, priorities, and planning are decisions driven by the school board and superintendent. The campus and charter-wide campus improvement plan are the drivers of the budget expenditures. Charter schools are required to get the … Read More