Maintenance of Equity Requirement Due Dec 9, 2022
Many small charter schools are exempt from the Maintenance of Equity requirement; however, if you have multiple campuses with duplicate grade spans, your LEA will not be exempt. The MOEquity requirement is part of compliance for receiving ARP funds: ESSER III, ESSER Supplemental, or TCLAS.
The purpose of checking for MOEquity is to ensure that high-poverty campuses did not have a funding reduction as a result of receiving the ARP pandemic funds. If you did not have any reduction in funding on any campus from 2021-22 to 2022-23, you won’t have a problem and will be able to “self-certify” to attest to this on the survey.
How do I know if I am exempt?
No action is necessary if you are exempt. The following are reasons your LEA might be exempt:
- LEA has a total enrollment of less than 1,000 students
- Operates a single campus
- Serves all students within each grade span with a single campus (that is, no campuses within the LEA have overlapping grade spans)
If exempted, your LEA will be listed as “automatically excepted” on this website:
What if your LEA is not exempted?
If your LEA is not exempt, you have 3 ways to comply (must decide and report which path by Dec 9, 2022):
- Apply to the USDE for an exception that you had “exceptional or uncontrollable circumstances” that made a reduction necessary,
- LEA Self-certification on TEA survey that there was no reduction of funding in 2022-23 as compared to last year, or
- Use the MOEquity spreadsheet tool to show compliance by Jan 29, 2023
The Dec 9 survey will be your method for reporting which path you will take. The survey is located here:
Maintenance of Equity Qualtrics Survey – due Dec 9, 2022 if not exempt
Training on the survey was held in September, and more training will be held on Oct 4th for the tool. For complete details and links to training registration, please click here:
Full TEA Memo Regarding MO Equity Requirement
CSS assists our clients with making the correct decision about MOEquity compliance. Our federal grant managers are available to our clients to answer questions throughout the MOEquity process. The CSS federal team has in-depth knowledge about all federal funding and auditing compliance.
Need our help?
- Contact Dr. Sheila K. Sherman, Federal Grants Manager –ssherman@charterschoolsuccess.com
- Visit the Charter School Community Roundtable, where you can ask questions, get answers and discuss this topic now.