Navigating Employee Passing: Key HR Considerations and Steps

When an employee passes away, it’s crucial for school administration to navigate the situation with both compassion and professionalism. Often, the responsibility for coordination of these activities falls heavily on school HR professionals. This involves offering sincere condolences to the grieving family, colleagues, and students, managing administrative tasks such as updating records and processing final … Read More

Using the Master Schedule to Maximize Funding

Whenever you think about maximizing ADA funding for a school district, you most likely think about proper coding of student attendance, student eligibility codes, and ensuring your students attend school for as many school days as possible. Do you ever think about the impact that your Master Schedule had on your ADA funding? Some of … Read More

Obtaining Permission to Charge PK Tuition

Does your charter charge tuition to parents with students in PK who are ineligible under free eligibility guidelines? If so, you must annually submit a letter to TEA to obtain permission from the commissioner to justify your tuition rate. Ideally, the rate should be approved before you charge parents. Click here to access the form … Read More

Completing the 2023-24 ESSA Compliance Report 

We interrupt your back-to-school celebrations to talk about a dose of reality – compliance reporting. With a due date of September 30, 2024 coming up soon, it is time to start preparing for the annual ESSA Compliance Report. Each year, LEAs who accept Title funds under ESSA must complete a compliance report to verify that … Read More

Title I Supplemental Methodology Requirement

CSS previously published this tip June 25, but we are running it again for Charters with September 1 budget start dates! Whether you are on a July 1 or Sept 1 budget start date, planning for Title I funds must be part of the process. When dealing with Title I, you will often hear the … Read More