Budget Reporting

Some of the most important duties that a school board preforms are discussing and finalizing budgets for the charter each year, monitoring spending activity to ensure it meets budgetary guidelines, and making tough decisions when cuts are necessary. The board may also consider any opportunities for the charter to generate additional revenue. What exactly is … Read More

ESSA Requirements: Fiscal and Program

Federal funds don’t just provide money to your schools. They create programs. By focusing on solid programs, you can add to your school’s repertoire and improve your ability to serve students. But programs funded by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) are regulated by many rules that can be difficult to understand. As a savvy … Read More

Texas Charter Procurement

The goal and function of purchasing departments in charter schools is to provide the highest quality goods and services available within the parameters of the approved budget and in compliance with all applicable guidelines and laws. Some charter districts are a one-man or two-man operation, so it’s even more important that all checks and balances … Read More

Prekindergarten: Qualifications, Documentation & PEIMS Coding

Prekindergarten programs are different and more complex than the other grade levels offered in your district. To receive ADA funding for the students in your PK program there are specific age requirements and qualification criteria that must be met. Once you register a student for your PK program, they become subject to compulsory attendance until … Read More

Operational Minutes Adjustment 2021-2022

The Texas Education Agency has announced that LEAs will receive an automatic adjustment to operational minutes for the 1st – 4th six-weeks attendance reporting periods to mitigate against FSP funding reductions due to low percentage attendance rates. This will allow LEAs the opportunity to recoup funds lost due to low attendance rates likely caused from … Read More