Title III Parent, Family, and Community Engagement Requirements

Involving parents can be challenging, especially when language and cultural barriers are involved. Whether you are in a shared service arrangement (SSA) or receive Title III funds directly, you are required to provide parental engagement activities specifically targeted towards your Emergent Bilingual learners’ families. Today’s article will assist charters with understanding what qualifies as parent, … Read More

ARP ESSER III Reallocation: Respond by 9/16 to accept funds!

TEA has sent a survey through Smartsheets to charter districts who received ARP ESSER III grant funds. They are reallocating more funding, but in order to receive it, you need to respond to the survey by 9/16/24!  In Smartsheets you will indicate yes that you accept the funds and put which class object code (6100, … Read More

Title I Parent & Family Engagement Policy

Education is a partnership between the school and the home; however, building effective partnerships can be a challenge. Schools must consciously reach out and plan for ways to engage families. For Title I schools, it can be a bigger challenge with parents facing barriers related to poverty. For these reasons, having a comprehensive plan and … Read More