Navigating Employee Passing: Key HR Considerations and Steps

When an employee passes away, it’s crucial for school administration to navigate the situation with both compassion and professionalism. Often, the responsibility for coordination of these activities falls heavily on school HR professionals. This involves offering sincere condolences to the grieving family, colleagues, and students, managing administrative tasks such as updating records and processing final … Read More

What Does It Take to Be a Successful Charter HR Professional?

Today’s HR Tip is an interview with an HR Expert – Charter School Success’s very own Jordan Elliott. Read below for Jordan’s valuable insights from her career as an HR professional How did you get into the field of HR in education? My real love for HR evolved while I was serving as Superintendent of … Read More

Defining Your PTO and Leave Policies

Charters have a lot of options and opportunity to exercise creativity when it comes to defining PTO and local leave policies for their organization. A thoughtful and robust leave policy can be a critical part of the charter’s enticing total rewards and benefits package, which can impact recruitment, retention, and morale as it speaks to … Read More

Charter School Success… celebrating 10 years of supporting Texas Charters

Since January 1, 2013, Charter School Success has been providing support for Texas Charter Schools. As we celebrate this milestone, we are delighted to feature a brief interview with our founder, Karen Mowbray. Below, a series of questions and answers with Karen. What inspired you to start Charter School Success 10 years ago? I had … Read More

The Fingerprinting Process – Employee and Contractors

Do you ever feel like saying “Help! How do I stay in compliance with fingerprinting and background check requirements for my employees and contractors?” Especially with the recent related changes, we’re here to help answer some of your most frequently asked fingerprinting questions. Click here to register now for HR Compliance Tasks online course for … Read More

Pro Tips for Recruiting the Best of the Best

Having stellar employees is key to your charter school’s success. However, you only have a small window of time for selection: the opportunity to explore candidates and decide who will gain that coveted spot on your charter school’s team.  To make the most of it, you’ll need a well thought out recruiting strategy: a plan … Read More

Independent Contractor or Employee?

As we encounter the end of one year and the beginning of another, many year-end accounting tasks are upon us, including the issuance of W2s and 1099s to those who have performed work for us during 2021.  To determine who needs to get which type of tax form, we must be able to properly classify … Read More

Navigating Employee Separation

Employee separation is a sensitive issue for any charter school.  Whether the separation results from voluntary or involuntary reasons, preventable or cultural clashes, or any other reason, the experience may cause hardships to all involved.  Regardless of the reason, the separation of employees from an organization requires a great deal of sensitivity, empathy, discretion and … Read More

Six Need-to-Know Virtual Onboarding Tips

Virtual onboarding! Do those words scare you? Some charter schools have transitioned to remote work, making virtual onboarding of new hires a necessity. Are you ready? Is this your first time planning a virtual onboarding experience? How can you make a virtual onboarding experience effective? What do you need to know? Why is the onboarding … Read More

Using Letters of Reasonable Assurance

Are your unemployment claims costs mounting? What can you do to drive these costs down? Anything? Yes! Annually, you can issue a Letter of Reasonable Assurance to employees to significantly reduce the charter’s unemployment claim costs. What is a Letter of Reasonable Assurance? A Letter of Reasonable Assurance is a written agreement from the school … Read More