Cares Act – Prior Purchase Reimbursement Program (PPRP) UPDATE
UPDATE: The PPRP program dates have been extended. Please see the updates on the Prior Purchase Reimbursement Program (PPRP) here on the CRF Reimbursement programs webpage. The PPRP application will reopen this month, with any new applications or amendments due by 1/31/21. The new deadline for receiving devices is 2/28/21. This may mean that your charter district is now able to take advantage of the program or is able to include more devices in your application. If you already submitted your PPRP application prior to 12/11/20, please email customerservice@teabulkorder.com to have it returned to you for revisions.
Did your LEA purchase any laptops, tablets, or hotspots after May 21, 2020 between May 21,2020 and January 31, 2021 for the purpose of delivering online instruction in response to the COVID-19 crisis? Were these devices purchased from your general fund and NOT part of the Operation Connectivity Bulk purchase order done by ESC4? If so, your LEA may be eligible for reimbursement under the final Corona Virus Relief (CRF) reimbursement program. Turn around is very quick on this application; therefore, you must act now.
How do we get an application?
Email customerservice@teabulkorder.com to request a pre-populated application. The email should come from the email address of the person in your LEA who you want to receive the application to fill out. You will receive $300 per economic disadvantaged student (as of early Aug 2020) OR $50,000—whichever is greater, and this amount will be on the application that is returned to you by email. You must submit 25% more than your amount to get the full benefit, because the reimbursement is only 75% of your invoice amount.
How may the funds be used?
Only laptops (including Chromebooks) for students or teachers, tablets, or hotspots (including connection fees/data plan) are allowed. Fees that are required for a device to work are allowable, such as Google license for Chromebooks.
You have two options:
- You can reclassify the original expense. The fund code is 277.
- If you are unable to reclassify the expense because it is in a previous fiscal year, you MUST spend the funds in the current year only on technology for distance learning due to COVID-19, or payroll and benefits for staff who work solely on online learning capabilities (very limited on payroll).
What are the deadlines?
First priority group – 11/20/20 to 12/1/20
Second priority group – 12/2/20 to 12/7/20
Third priority group – 12/8/20 to 12/11/20
No applications will be accepted after 12/11/20. Applications will be funded on a first come, first served basis! All requests for new applications or amendments must be received by January 31, 2021.
What documentation must be supplied?
You will have to upload an invoice or a billing statement after your application is received and moved forward. Purchase orders will not be uploaded. You must have an invoice or billing statement. You will be emailed a link to upload these documents after your initial application is processed.
Before submitting the application, you should make sure you have the following information ready:
- Date of purchase
- Type of device
- Number of devices
- Amount per device
- Agreed upon ship-to date showing that devices were planned to be received prior to 12/30/20 2/28/21
What devices are NOT allowed in the reimbursement application?
- Desk top computers
- Cases
- Monthly internet service
- Cameras, microphones, or other peripherals
- Operation Connectivity Bulk Order purchases, local share
- Student interactive devices
- Teacher interactive boards
- Devices that were purchased or reimbursed by another Federal fund (no double dipping)
- Devices that were in your budget and planned to be purchased before 3/27/20.
Only laptops (including Chromebooks) for students or teachers, tablets, or hotspots (including connection fees/data plan) are allowed. Fees that are required for a device to work are allowable, such as Google license for Chromebooks.
Although these types of expenses are not allowable to generate reimbursement, they would be allowed to spend the money on if you are not able to reclassify your original expense. This is confusing because what is allowed to submit for receiving the funds (on invoices) is different, and more limited, than what you could spend the funds on in 2020-21. You must decide before filling out the application if you will reclassify the original expense or not.
Other Considerations
- If your shipment is delayed, you must have documentation from the vendor that it was originally agreed upon to receive the devices by 12/30/20. 2/28/21
- If you do not have an invoice because the shipment was delayed, you should contract the vendor right away to ask for an invoice with an agreed upon ship date before 12/30/20 2/28/21 on the invoice.
- You should consider the original fund source that was used to buy the original purchase. Purchases bought from your regular 420 fund are ideal. Any other fund should be discussed with your finance office or knowledgeable staff to think through repercussions on reclassifying from original fund source (such as IMA).
- The vendor should be checked on Sam.gov to see if they are suspended or debarred.
- Compliance reporting may include desk audits and quarterly reporting. You must track the devices on a federal inventory. Monitoring will include verifying original purchases, or what the funds were spent on in 2020-21.
- TEA highly recommends that you track your Covid expenses just in case other funding comes available.
- Use Chrome to open the application in the email sent to you.
- For Questions email: customerservice@teabulkorder.com
CSS will assist our clients with preparation of the PPRP application and be available to answer client questions.
Have questions or need assistance?
Please contact:
- Sharon Benka sbenka@charterschoolsuccess.com
- Sheila K. Sherman ssherman@charterschoolsuccess.com
- Jean Cornelius jcornelius@charterschoolsuccess.com
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