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State Compensatory Education (SCE) Funds Online Course


Students dropping out is something no educator wants to see happen. Planning programs to help prevent At-risk students from dropping out is one of the most important things we can do. For this reason, the State has allocated SCE funding to provide direct services for At-risk students. The purpose of the State Compensatory Education (SCE) program is to supplement the regular – or basic – education program with compensatory, intensive, and/or accelerated instruction to benefit students who are At-risk of dropping out of school. This course will assist you to review the correct identification of At-risk students in PEIMS, to budget SCE funds correctly, to include SCE plans in your DIP/CIP, and more! SCE is an audited program, so compliance is essential. The webinar will leave you feeling confident and informed in the basics of SCE budget and program requirements.

Credit Information

Charter School Success (CSS) provides Continuing Education units for TEA and TASBO certification in conjunction with their ongoing professional guidelines.

  • 90 TEA minutes in Accountability (Public Funds)
  • 1.5 TASBO CPE credits
CSS Online Course:
