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Parent and Family Engagement Online Course


It’s policy renewal time!  We aren’t talking about insurance policies, but those documents required for ALL schools who receive Title I, Part A funds.  Did you know that your LEA and your campuses are expected to collaborate with parents and families to develop Parent and Family Engagement policies for the campus and a different one for the district?  These are to be distributed to the parents whose children are enrolled in your charter. Are you aware of the differences in the district-level and campus-level policy requirements?  Are you tired of the “hard to understand” language used in some of the old templates we had in the past?  Our federal experts have put together a webinar that focuses on the basic and important information of each set of policy requirements.  Let our experts help you navigate the Parent and Family Engagement requirements that accompany your Title I, Part A funds.

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Charter School Success (CSS) provides Continuing Education units for TEA and TASBO certification in conjunction with their ongoing professional guidelines.

  • 60 TEA minutes in Accountability (Other)
  • 1.0 TASBO CPE credits
CSS Online Course:
