ESSA Requirements: Fiscal and Program

ESSA Requirements: Fiscal and Program

September 21, 2020 | Grants Management

ESSA……NCLB……no child or every student..….which one should you follow? How can you keep it all straight?  Understanding the guidance and expectations associated with each of the federal grant programs helps you implement programs and use funds efficiently and effectively. Let us help you sort through some of the fiscal and program basics of the Every Students Succeeds Act (ESSA) federal grant programs.

The CSS federal team works directly with clients to assist with and monitor compliance with ESSA requirements.

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), formerly known as No Child Left Behind (NCLB), was reauthorized by the US Congress in 2015. The federal grants program, ESSA, includes the Title grants that are available to charter districts and traditional districts.  The most common ESSA grants distributed to charters in Texas include Title I Part A, Title II, Title III ELA and Title IV SSAEP.

These grants are subject to specific fiscal and program guidelines.  Fiscal guidance begins with the Education Department General Administrative Regulations also known as EDGAR.  The EDGAR guidelines were written to reduce fraud, waste and abuse of federal funds.  Charters and districts who receive the grants must follow all applicable rules as listed in the EDGAR guidelines.  Some of the written procedures required by EDGAR include determining allowability, using federal funds for travel, procurement procedures, and time and effort procedures. Detailed guidance and resources for implementing EDGAR guidelines can be found on the TEA website here.

Along with fiscal guidelines, ESSA grants are accompanied by detailed program requirements.  Some of the Title I guidelines include the annual requirement for a comprehensive needs assessment (CNA), development of Campus Improvement Plans (CIP) and District Improvement Plans (DIP), and the completion of program evaluations at the end of each academic year.  Additionally, both Title I and Title III grant programs have very detailed parent and family engagement requirements.  Each of the ESSA Grants requires participation of pertinent stakeholders in the development and design of each LEA’s Title grant programs.

Managing the implementation of federal grants can seem overwhelming.  Check out the ESSA Requirements: Fiscal and Program webinar as an introduction to managing the ESSA Grants or as a review of your responsibilities.  And, be sure to sign up for the CSS Tips – just visit the website at, scroll to the bottom of the page and fill out the information in the white box.  The federal team develops and shares articles on program requirements and updates throughout the school year.

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