District Accreditation Status for 2022-23
The grace period from COVID is over, and, after two years of accreditation statuses being on hold, TEA has resumed issuing ratings. On January 26, 2023, TEA issued a memo announcing the release of ratings on February 9, 2023. For the previous two years, all LEAs were rated “Not Rated: Declared State of Disaster;” however, normal ratings will now resume.
CSS has assembled a team of successful, experienced individuals who will advise our contracted clients how to make improvements if their accreditation status is in jeopardy with TEA.
What ratings are possible for a charter or district?
Districts and charters can be rated Accredited, Accredited-Warned, Accredited-Probation, or Not Accredited-Revoked.
Accreditation status ratings for 2022-23 and prior years can be found at this link:
District accreditation ratings can be found here.
They are also posted in ISAM in advance on Feb 2, 2023.
The usual consequences for consecutive years of failure to meet Accredited status can be found here:
What action is required?
No action is required if your charter earned a rating of “Accredited.” Anything lower requires parents of students in the charter and property owners in the feeder districts to be notified using TEA-provided templates. The templates vary by rating type, and are located on the TEA accreditation website under “TEA required notification language.”
TEA will also be contacting any LEA with a rating lower than “Accredited” to detail required next steps.
If you have questions or concerns, contact TEA as indicated below:
Division of Accreditation and Enforcement
Phone: (512) 463-5899
Email: accred@tea.texas.gov
Need help?
Please contact Charter School Success:
Dr. Sheila K. Sherman ssherman@charterschoolsuccess.com
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